Equipment # 1538
- Price: Call
- New Price: $17,000
- Condition: 8.7 out of 10
- Electric: Battery (50+ hours life/20,000+ measurements)
- Weight 40 lbs.
- Able to Inspect: Yes
- Videos: Yes
- Accuracy : ± 1/16”
- Range: up to 200’ (400’ diameter)
- Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (12.3” touch screen display)
- Consistently accurate across a wide range of distances
- Automatically converts measurements to layouts
- Easy-to-understand, non-CAD commands
- Translated into 14 languages including Spanish, Polish, Russian, & Italian
- Add dimensions & references for manual fabricators
- Add backsplashes, corners, and curves
- Determine seam locations
- Quick Actions for frequently used functions
- Create customized library of drop-ins (sinks, corners, bump outs, electrical outlets, etc.)
- Includes tools for circular staircases, tub surrounds, patios, & outdoor kitchens/patios
- Capture photographs to document important job site details
- Completely paperless transaction with customer contracts, terms & conditions
- Customer signature sign-offs on jobs
- Output to DXF, DWG, ORD, XML, PDF, CSV, & JPG
- Generate estimates
- Create customized shop sheets
- Email files from the job site back to the office
- Produces readable files for any CNC, water jet, saw, or plotter
- Maximize efficiency of slab usage
- Automatically assign edge types to distinguish components & tool path
- Fabricate countertops perfectly scribed to back walls
A used digitizer like the LT 2D 3D will make your template guy’s day more productive and will give you more production overall at your shop.